Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf. A name not known by many people, but a man who has done a great deal in his life. Cerf is a 66 year old many who lives in Virginia with his wife and kids. But the thing that makes Cerf so special, the thing that makes him stand out in the crowd. Cerf developed the Internet. He is the Father of the Internet. He deserves a lot of respect for what he did and how he changed the 21st century.

The Cerf Family

Vint Cerf is a family man. He has been married to his wife, Sigrid, since 1966. Together they had two children, David and Bennett. Currently, the family lives in Virginia. Vint and Sigrid like to go wine tasting and gourmet cook together. They love each other tremendously and are very fortunate to have found each other.

Cerf and Kahn Receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Because of they're prominent work, Cerf and Kahn were awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This award was given to them in 2004 by President George W. Bush. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is one of the highest medals a citizen of the United States can receive.

Vint Cerf and Robert "Bob" Kahn

Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn went to co-developed/founded/designed the Internet together in 1969. Originally it was only used at UCLA, and then a couple UC schools, and then a hotel. Everyone loved it and it became the thing everyone died to have. Over the years, they have still worked together and tried to make the Internet faster and safer.